
Dr. M. Bheemalingaiah
Dr. M. Bheemalingaiah is working as Professor, in the department of CSE, at Malineni Lakshmaiah Women’s Engineering College, Guntur, A.P. India. He holds his B.Tech (CSE) from Gulbarga University, India, in 1994, M.S (Software Systems) from BITS, Pilani, India in 1998, M.Tech (DS&CE) from J.N.T .University, Hyderabad, India in 2003, Ph.D (CSE) from J.N.T.University, Anantapur, India in 2019. He has a rich experience of 23 years which includes teaching, research and administration. He has published numerous research papers in international journals and international conferences. He has 120 Google scholar citations with h-index 6 and i10-index 4. He guided many B.Tech and M. Tech students’ projects. He has three Indian Patents. He is author of three textbooks Cyber-attack Detection System using Machine Learning, Blackchain Mechanism and Cyber Security using Machine Learning. He has three Indian Patents. He is acting as visiting professor at various esteemed engineering colleges. He is also active member in professional bodies like CSI, IAENG and ISTE. His area of interests includes Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Data Science, Big Data, Data Mining; Cloud computing, Computer Vision, Cyber Security and IOT