
Dr. Shimpy Goyal
Dr. Shimpy Goyal is working as Assistant Professor in BPIT affiliated to GGSIPU, Delhi. She has been awarded PhD in Machine Learning from Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan. She has qualified UGC-Net in the year 2018. She has done BTech (Hons.) and MTech (Hons.) in Computer Science from (UIET) & (DCSA) MDU University in 2012 & 2015 respectively. She has published near about 20+ Research Papers till now in SCI (IF=7.01)/Scopus /UGC Care Indexed journals. She has presented more than 13 papers in National & International Conferences. She has Convened National Conference & worked as committee member in many Scopus Indexed International Conference. She has reviewed IEEE Conference paper, Springer Nature, Scientific Reports Paper & ICACC-2021 paper. She acts a Technical Program committee member in many conferences. She has published 2 Patent and 1 Granted. She has authored book on Computer Architecture and organizations. She has convened FDP and participated in 19+ faculty development and programs organized by ATAL (AICTE) and others. She is working on research projects with the collaboration GEH research organization. She has attended National & International Webinars. She is having 7+ years of experience in Teaching, and 1.5 years’ experience in Industry. Her areas of interest are Intelligence, Image processing, computer vision, machine learning, neural networks, and convolutional neural networks etc.